Friday, January 27, 2012

I don't use toilet paper!

When Kyle and I worked on a farm in Hawaii, the man we worked for didn’t believe in buying paper products. Therefore, he did not buy toilet paper for his workers. This was the craziest thing I had ever heard of. We are so used to using toilet paper and the thought of not using it disgusts us.
Kyle was open to the idea of not using toilet paper when we moved to Vermont. I was apprehensive and did not agree to it. However, since moving here we have changed many things about how we live. We do not buy napkins or paper towels, we compost, I started using a moon cup, and we are currently living without using lights for a week. I keep thinking of ways that I could live a greener life and not using toilet paper came to mind. Toilet paper is a huge waste of paper. Even though I felt weird about not using toilet paper I agreed. You don’t know how something is going to work until you try it!
*Americans use over 20,000 sheets of toilet paper per year.
*Making a roll of toilet paper uses 1.5 pounds of wood, 37 gallons of water and 1.3 KWh of electricity.
*Using a bidet is cleaner, healthier, and saves water.
We decided to set up a homemade bidet. We went to Ace Hardware and got a kitchen sink sprayer. Here are directions: After going to the bathroom we just spray and then pat our bottoms dry with a towel. We have been living without toilet paper for a week. It is a lot easier and better than I thought it would be.
You can also buy a bidet at
Some people also use reusable cloth wipes instead of toilet paper. You can use old washcloths, cut up some cloth diapers, or buy special cloth toilet wipes. You keep a container next to the toilet and the used wipes are tossed in there and washed. If using the wipes for poop is just too gross for you, you can use cloth wipes for urine only and save the toilet paper for poop. You can also use a squirt bottle or a cup of water.
And remember, “If it’s yellow, let it mellow; if it’s brown flush it down.”

Friday, January 20, 2012

7 week plan to reduce our impact on the environment and to live simply!

1st week (1/23-1/29): Go the entire week without using lights. We will use candles and an oil lamp. This will not be possible when we are at work. However, we will be conscious of lights and make sure that lights are turned off whenever possible.
2nd week (1/30-2/05): Go without television. We decided that we can still watch television on the internet.
3rd and 4th weeks (2/6-2/19): Go without buying anything. This includes gas, groceries, etc.
5th week (2/20-2/26): We will go without facebook, hulu, twitter, internet surfing, blogging, etc. We have decided that it will be okay to check our e-mail due to our jobs.
6th week (2/27-3/4): We will go without television, lights, and computer.
7th week (3/5-3/11): We will go without the stove, oven, microwave and anything that has to be plugged in.
*During these 7 weeks we will make at least 1 shopping trip where we do not buy anything that has packaging. We will utilize the bulk section by bringing in our own reusable bags.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Environmentally friendly alternatives to tampons and pads

I am continuing my journey to living as green as possible. I decided to stop using tampons and pads! I never knew there was an alternative to tampons. They are not in the grocery store and no one talks about it. I found out there was an alternative by reading the books, “Moneyless Man” and “No Impact Man.” The idea of reusing a cup seemed weird to me and I didn’t know exactly how it worked. However, I did some research online and after learning more I decided to buy a moon cup. I have already used it for one cycle. I feel comfortable using it and I am so happy that I made the switch. It is so much better for the environment and I save a lot of money!
●On average, one woman will use over 11,000 tampons or pads in their lifetime, which will end up in the landfill or in the sea.
●An estimated 12 billion sanitary pads and 7 billion tampons are dumped into the North American environment each year.
1.       It is cheaper! One woman uses 22 items of sanitary protection every period. Regardless of your flow, you only need to buy 1 cup, and it lasts for years and years!
2.       It is greener!
3.       It is safer! Tampons can cause dryness and leave fibers behind. These alternative cups contain no dyes, BPA, toxins, or bleaches.
4.       There is no leakage or odor!
5.       These cups have never been associated with toxic shock syndrome!
6.       It is convenient! You only need one so you don’t need to carry spares or worry about disposal.
1.       Mooncup This is a reusable cup, around 2 inches long and made from soft medical grade silicone. It is worn internally a lot lower than a tampon and it collects fluid instead of absorbing it. It is inserted, removed, rinsed and reinserted up to every 8 hours. You can use it overnight, and when exercising and swimming. $30
2.       Softcup
3.       The DivaCup
4.       Keeper
5.       Luna pads These are washable pads. They can be reused for 3-5 years.
Please give it a try! You can make a difference for the environment!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

7 things you can do to save $731!

How much money can you save in a year?
1.       Cancel one magazine subscription. Read the magazine at the library. A 1 year subscription to People magazine is $116 as stated on
2.       Use paper cloths instead of paper towels. You can buy a set of 4 dish towels for $4. Paper towels cost about $2 for 3 rolls. The average family uses 52 rolls of paper towels a year costing them about $35.
3.       Use a moon cup instead of tampons or pads. A moon cup is $30 and can last for years. You would use 21 tampons at most for each cycle. A pack of 20 is around $5. Tampons cost $60 a year.
4.       Wear glasses instead of contacts. A year supply of contacts cost about $125. Contact solution costs about $50 a year. One pair of glasses cost about $150 with an eye exam. Remember that glasses will probably last longer than a year.
5.       Cancel your cable and watch television online. The most popular Directv cable subscription is $360 a year.
6.       Don’t buy books. Get them from the library. Let’s say you buy 10 books a year at $15 each. You would spend $150 a year.
7.       Take a 5 minute shower instead of a 15 minute shower. You will use 35 gallons for a 5 minute shower and 105 gallons for a 15 minute shower. You will use 6370 gallons of water a year if you take a shower every other day for 5 minutes. You will use 19,110 gallons of water a year if you take a shower every other day for 15 minutes. By saving 12,740 gallons a year you will save about $19 assuming the water rate is $1.50 per 1000 gallons. This does not include heating the water. Remember this is just for one person!
Total Savings: $731!!!